Tuesday 26 April 2011

~ assgmnt i.b.. :)

huhuuuuuuu...nie la intrvw wth the successful of bsnssmen..he hve a bee farm..seluas2 hektar tanah die ad bee'..fuhh..dasat...bnyk gler bertebangan lebah... 1st time tgk dpn2 mcm 2... heheee....klu x krna assgmnt ni, xde la kmi dpt jejek kn kki ke tnh sarng lebh ni... :) nk tgk pic nye? jom...........

kami bersuka ria dlu dlm kete bob... :)

nie la org nyew... :)

huhuhuuuuuuuu... :p

nie la lebah farm.. :) yg kotk2 2 rumh lbh..dlm die ad maduuu... :)

2 la lebah... :) bnyk...

kami intrvw owner farm nie..

die nk tnjuk madu dlm stiap papan 2..

bnyk nye lbh n maduuuu... :)

eeww...brni gler pgg cm 2 je...tkot tgk.. :) huhuuu..

ni la hasil nyew... :)

hahahaaaa...posing la apew lg... :)

nie la showroom nye.. :)

2 je la kngn kmi sem last 4 our assgmnt.. n ni jgk 1st time we get de experience pergi sndri tgk ldng bee' nie...
:) done wth last assgmnt!! :) huuraayyy..... 

Sunday 24 April 2011

~ ak akn melupakn mu..walau berat bg ku....

mmm..btul kta org..klu bercinta jrk jauh ni..bnyk dugaannya..mmm.. bile dgr lgu misha omar yg ni...btol2 menusuk klbu...mm...nth la...sdh sgt... :(

Tuesday 19 April 2011

nothing important pn... :)

mm..ape ek nk citer ari nie...mmm...2 la..khdupn msti ad pelbagai dgaan dn cbrn.. so dgaan ak n cbran ak as a students mmg alot of assgmnt of coz... dgn test lg...mm...dri sndri shj yg mmpu dpt hndel or not...dgn prob laen lg..x suma org kite dpt share prob...yg mmpu dgr2 la kn...yg jd gud listener ok la jgk..mmm...tp since ad blog nie dpt la luah kn prasaan nie..mmg agk sakit ati la kn klu ad org 2 gnakn asset yg die ad nk tackle org laen bg org ska kt die..pdhl die 2 bkn nye jjur or iklas pn...mmm...i2 la yg d nmakn life... hope i can survive wthout thnking abot the prob n i know i cn hndle it my self... focus n done wth my stdy.... pepatah slalu kta : "wht coms arnd gs arnd'...jst look n c...  :)

heheheee...nth pape pic yg ak ltk... :)

Monday 4 April 2011

luahan perasaan..

mmmm...knp law ari nie...xde mud je nk bljr.. mls nk dgr, mls nk ckp, mls nk wt ape2 kje law..... mybe coz ak mkn ubt btuk (skg musim btuk) mlm td 2 jd effect pg nie....hmmmm...lmh je bdn.... :(
assgmnt stiap sbjct ad....bru wt skit2...mmmm..dgaan2...sbr jew la...
ape2 pn life must go on...hmwrk ttp hmwrk..assgmnt ttp assgmnt...aduuhhh..cpt law abs stdy nie...nk cri uit plk...:) ape2 pn 'usaha tngga kjayaan'.. huhuhuuuu...i know i can do it.. cayok2!!!

mesti semangat study.... :)

Sunday 3 April 2011

How to Be The Perfect Girl

1) Good Looks
Okay this is fairly obvious, good looks are a must for the perfect girl. Every guy, or rather human being, loves to look at a pretty face, whether it's enhanced with make-up or not, it's down to personal preference, but if using make-ups help you look better, then by all means start learning! Sure, the world may say "beauty is only skin deep" and "it's the personality that matters" but let's face it, that's only comfort sayings and excuses.

2) Good Personality
I know, good looks kind of contradict good personality, but for the perfect girl, she should have a good personality too. So what exactly is a good personality? Well, a few of the qualities i find that are most attractive of a girl are : humbleness, demure, humor-filled, good talker and a good listener.

3) Good Dress Sense
Yup, good dress sense makes the list too. Lose the baggy clothes, men love to see the curves of a women body, and if you could dress up to show that off, why not right? Which also brings me to my next point, to be able to show off your curves, you also need a good body.

4) Good Body
Yes, every anorexic's greatest enemy. Contrary to what most girls believe, it is not being skinny that would make you sexy, in fact, it's having a mix of toned muscles and slimness. Skinniness should not even classify as being beautiful, it can in fact be even classified as scary. So don't starve yourself, in fact, exercise more and eat right.