Thursday 24 March 2011

Presentation Tips for Public Speaking

1,Know the needs of your audience and match your contents to their needs. Know your material thoroughly. Put what you have to say in a logical sequence. Ensure your speech will be captivating to your audience as well as worth their time and attention. Practice and rehearse your speech at home or where you can be at ease and comfortable, in front of a mirror, your family, friends or colleagues. Use a tape-recorder and listen to yourself. Videotape your presentation and analyze it. Know what your strong and weak points are. Emphasize your strong points during your presentation.

2,Body language is important. Standing, walking or moving about with appropriate hand gesture or facial expression is preferred to sitting down or standing still with head down and reading from a prepared speech. Use audio-visual aids or props for enhancement if appropriate and necessary. Master the use of presentation software such as PowerPoint well before your presentation. Do not over-dazzle your audience with excessive use of animation, sound clips, or gaudy colors which are inappropriate for your topic. Do not torture your audience by putting a lengthy document in tiny print on an overhead and reading it out to them.

3,Speak with conviction as if you really believe in what you are saying. Persuade your audience effectively. The material you present orally should have the same ingredients as that which are required for a written research paper, i.e. a logical progression from INTRODUCTION (Thesis statement) to BODY (strong supporting arguments, accurate and up-to-date information) to CONCLUSION (re-state thesis, summary, and logical conclusion).

4,Do not read from notes for any extended length of time although it is quite acceptable to glance at your notes infrequently. Speak loudly and clearly. Sound confident. Do not mumble. If you made an error, correct it, and continue. No need to make excuses or apologize profusely.

5,Maintain sincere eye contact with your audience. Use the 3-second method, e.g. look straight into the eyes of a person in the audience for 3 seconds at a time. Have direct eye contact with a number of people in the audience, and every now and then glance at the whole audience while speaking. Use your eye contact to make everyone in your audience feel involved.

6,Speak to your audience, listen to their questions, respond to their reactions, adjust and adapt. If what you have prepared is obviously not getting across to your audience, change your strategy mid-stream if you are well prepared to do so. Remember that communication is the key to a successful presentation. If you are short of time, know what can be safely left out. If you have extra time, know what could be effectively added. Always be prepared for the unexpected.

7Pause. Allow yourself and your audience a little time to reflect and think. Don't race through your presentation and leave your audience, as well as yourself, feeling out of breath.
Add humor whenever appropriate and possible. Keep audience interested throughout your entire presentation. Remember that an interesting speech makes time fly, but a boring speech is always too long to endure even if the presentation time is the same.

8,When using audio-visual aids to enhance your presentation, be sure all necessary equipment is set up and in good working order prior to the presentation. If possible, have an emergency backup system readily available.  Check out the location ahead of time to ensure seating arrangements for audience, whiteboard, blackboard, lighting, location of projection screen, sound system, etc. are suitable for your presentation.
Have handouts ready and give them out at the appropriate time. Tell audience ahead of time that you will be giving out an outline of your presentation so that they will not waste time taking unnecessary notes during your presentation.

9,Know when to STOP talking. Use a timer or the microwave oven clock to time your presentation when preparing it at home. Just as you don't use unnecessary words in your written paper, you don't bore your audience with repetitious or unnecessary words in your oral presentation. To end your presentation, summarize your main points in the same way as you normally do in the CONCLUSION of a written paper. Remember, however, that there is a difference between spoken words appropriate for the ear and formally written words intended for reading. Terminate your presentation with an interesting remark or an appropriate punch line. Leave your listeners with a positive impression and a sense of completion. Do not belabor your closing remarks. Thank your audience and sit down.

saje suke2... :)

heheheeee...cantik x farm fika? :) pnt tau nk manage farm nie...asl xde kje nk wt fika pn ngadap game nie je law..huhuu... bru tau rasa nye law bile ad farm sndri...heheheheee... :) fuuhhh...bjya!!!! :)    (syok sendri) hahahaaaa.... :)

Wednesday 23 March 2011

FiNaLLy DoNe!!

heheheeee....mmmmm...fuhhh... finally...done with my blog..hoorraayy!! :)  agk difficult jgk nk create blog nie ek? hrmmm...a lot of things fika kena learnt... :) so 1st thing 1st fika nk ucpkn thanz 2 SIR SYZRY..bcoz of him...i have my own  blogs..... huhuuuu  :)  sbb klu sir x sruh wt blog, i think  i'm not quiet interested wth diz la...oppsz..
(huhuuu am i 2 honest?) ok2... whtever it gys...dh ad blog,keep in torch law..huhuuu...sape dh open my blog 2.. u follow me... i follow uuuu....heheheeee... :)


Tuesday 22 March 2011

voice mail (task m.i.s)

Electronic communication system wherein a telephone is answered by a recorded message that can direct callers to leave a message, in which case the spoken message is recorded or digitized for later playback to the intended recipient. Callers with access to voicemail can leave messages on other voicemail systems for one individual or for many individuals at one time. Callers with touch-tone telephones can also be directed to specific information simply by pressing a key or combination of keys on the touch-tone pad. Through a voicemail system, callers can access time schedules for theater presentations and, with a credit card, purchase tickets; access bank balances or other banking information; place orders; and access many different kinds of information all without ever speaking to a live person. Many businesses have replaced their call-answering switchboards or receptionist positions with voicemail systems, and in many instances advertisers offer brief advertising messages over commercial voicemail systems.

Monday 21 March 2011

pointing stick

A pointing device first developed by IBM for its notebook computers that consists of a miniature joystick, usually with a rubber eraser-head tip, positioned somewhere between the keys on the keyboard. Most pointing sticks are pressure-sensitive, so the pointer moves faster when more pressure is applied.

Top 10 Interview Tips

Great interviews arise from careful groundwork. You can ace your next interview if you:
  1. Enter into a state of relaxed concentration. This is the state from which great basketball players or Olympic skaters operate. You'll need to quiet the negative self chatter in your head through meditation or visualization prior to sitting down in the meeting. You'll focus on the present moment and will be less apt to experience lapses in concentration, nervousness, self-doubt and self-condemnation. 
  2. Act spontaneous, but be well prepared. Be your authentic self, professional yet real. Engage in true conversation with your interviewer, resting on the preparation you did prior to coming to the meeting. Conduct several trial runs with another person simulating the interview before it actually occurs. It's the same as anticipating the questions you'll be asked on a final exam. 
  3. Set goals for the interview. It is your job to leave the meeting feeling secure that the interviewer knows as much as he or she possibly can about your skills, abilities, experience and achievements. If you sense there are misconceptions, clear them up before leaving. If the interviewer doesn't get around to asking you important questions, pose them yourself (diplomatically) and answer them. Don't leave the meeting without getting your own questions answered so that you have a clear idea of what you would be getting yourself into. If possible, try to get further interviews, especially with other key players. 
  4. Know the question behind the question. Ultimately, every question boils down to, "Why should we hire you?" Be sure you answer that completely. If there is a question about your meeting deadlines, consider whether the interviewer is probing delicately about your personal life, careful not to ask you whether your family responsibilities will interfere with your work. Find away to address fears if you sense they are present. 
  5. Follow up with an effective "thank you" letter. Don't write this letter lightly. It is another opportunity to market yourself. Find some areas discussed in the meeting and expand upon them in your letter. Writing a letter after a meeting is a very minimum. Standing out among the other candidates will occur if you thoughtfully consider this follow up letter as an additional interview in which you get to do all the talking. Propose useful ideas that demonstrate your added value to the team. 
  6. Consider the interviewer's agenda. Much is on the shoulders of the interviewer. He or she has the responsibility of hiring the right candidate. Your ability to do the job will need to be justified. "Are there additional pluses here?" "Will this person fit the culture of this organization?" These as well as other questions will be heavily on the interviewer's mind. Find ways to demonstrate your qualities above and beyond just doing the job. 
  7. Expect to answer the question, "Tell me about yourself." This is a pet question of prepared and even unprepared interviewers. Everything you include should answer the question, "Why should we hire you?" Carefully prepare your answer to include examples of achievements from your work life that closely match the elements of the job before you. Obviously, you'll want to know as much about the job description as you can before you respond to the question. 
  8. Watch those nonverbal clues. Experts estimate that words express only 30% to 35% of what people actually communicate; facial expressions and body movements and actions convey the rest. Make and keep eye contact. Walk and sit with a confident air. Lean toward an interviewer to show interest and enthusiasm. Speak with a well-modulated voice that supports appropriate excitement for the opportunity before you. 
  9. Be smart about money questions. Don't fall into the trap of telling the interviewer your financial expectations. You may be asking for too little or too much money and in each case ruin your chances of being offered the job. Instead, ask what salary range the job falls in. Attempt to postpone a money discussion until you have a better understanding of the scope of responsibilities of the job. 
  10. Don't hang out your dirty laundry. Be careful not to bare your soul and tell tales that are inappropriate or beyond the scope of the interview. State your previous experience in the most positive terms. Even if you disagreed with a former employer, express your enthusiasm for earlier situations as much as you can. Whenever you speak negatively about another person or situation in which you were directly involved, you run the risk (early in the relationship) of appearing like a troubled person who may have difficulty working with others. 

Tips menghadapi temuduga

Berikut adalah perkara-perkara yang sepatutnya anda elakkan ketika berada dalam bilik temuduga untuk mengelakkan penemuduga berasa bosan dan jelik kepada anda :
  1. Bercakap perkara-perkara yang tidak berkaitan secara keterlaluan
  2. Tidak memberikan tumpuan kepada penemuduga tertentu apabila ditemuduga lebih dari seorang penemuduga
  3. Mengelak dari menjawab soalan penemuduga
  4. Memandang rendah akan pengetahuan penemuduga, ini dapat dilihat dengan jawapan anda
  5. Mencabar penemuduga dengan bertanyakan soalan yang rumit dan terlalu teknikal
  6. Menggunakan nama-nama orang berpangkat atau terkenal dalam perbualan anda dengan temuduga dengan harapan penemuduga tersebut kagum dengan anda
Perkara-perkara ini bukan sahaja membosankan penemuduga, malah akan membuatkan penemuduga merasa jelik dengan anda dan seterusnya mengambil keputusan untuk mengenepikan permohonan anda untuk mendapat jawatan tersebut.

Semasa berada di bilik temuduga, kerapkalinya anda akan ditanyakan soalan-soalan yang anda kurang bersedia. Soalan-soalan ini kebanyakkannya seolah-olah “mencabar” kewibawaan anda.Apa yang perlu anda lakukan adalah :
  1. Ingatkan diri anda bahawa penemuduga sedang menguji anda
  2. Jawab dengan jelas dan lantang
  3. Kikiskan sifat ego anda
  4. Tenangkan diri anda sebelum menjawab soalan, selalunya penemuduga akan cuba menggunakan jawapan anda untuk membidas
  5. Banyakkan senyuman
  6. Berikan penekanan dalam jawapan anda yang menyokong butiran-butiran yang tertulis dalam CV/Resume anda. Berikan penekanan kepada pencapaian anda yang tidak boleh dicapai orang lain
  7. Jangan sesekali menunjukkan anda hilang minat terhadap pekerjaan ditawarkan
Selain itu, anda dinasihatkan supaya jangan tergopoh gapah menjawab soalan-soalan sebegini dari temuduga, ambil masa untuk berfikir sejenak,dan jawablah dengan fikiran yang tenang.

  1. Semasa hendak masuk ke bilik temuduga JANGANLAH gentar. Buatlah seperti biasa saja. Ucapkan “Selamat Pagi” atau “Selamat Petang” mengikut pada keadaan waktu. Ini nanti akan memberi perasaan mesra di antara anda dan penemuduga.
  2. Jangan hulurkan tangan anda untuk berjabat tangan selagi penemuduga itu tidak berbuat gerakan dahulu yang ianya hendak berbuat demikian.
  3. Janganlah anda duduk selagi tidak disuruh. Apabila anda disuruh duduk, ucapkan terima kasih dan duduklah dengan sempurna serta tegakkan badan. Jangan menggelisah.
  4. Jangan anda letakkan barang-barang atau tangan ataupun siku anda di atas meja penemuduga itu.
  5. Jangan anda cuba hendak mengalih keadaan kerusi yang disediakan itu.
  6. Jangan goyang-goyangkan kaki ataupun menggerakkannya di sana sini. Jangan pula anda cuba hendak membaca surat-surat dan lain-lain kertas di atas meja penemuduga itu
  7. Biarkan penemuduga itu memulakan temuduga.
  8. Janganlah anda menjawab soalan-soalan dengan tergopoh-gapah. Sebaliknya jawablah dengan tenang dan jelas serta mudah didengar. Jawapan yang anda beri itu hendaklah tepat. Jangan bercakap panjang lebar, dan jangan gunakan bahasa kasar
  9. Apabila bercakap pandanglah ke muka penemuduga itu. Jika ahli-ahli panel yang menemuduga itu lebih daripada seorang maka arahkan jawapan-jawapan anda kepada Ketua Panel
  10. Gunakan perkataan seperti Tuan atau Puan pada orang yang tertentu dari masa ke semasa, tetapi janganlah selalu menggunakannya
  11. Jangan menyampuk semasa penemuduga itu sedang bercakap dan jangan sekali-kali berbalah dengannya.
  12. Jangan merokok ataupun mengunyah apa-apa di dalam mulut.
  13. Jangan sekali-kali mengeluarkan kata-kata yang tidak benar semasa dalam temuduga.
  14. Jika anda tidak tahu jawapan yang disoal itu, janganlah cuba hendak berbohong ataupun mendiamkan diri sahaja, kerana ini akan melemahkan peluang anda. Eloklah anda bercakap terus terang yang anda tidak tahu jawapannya.
  15. Bersedia memberitahu penemuduga tentang keluarga anda, persekolahan, kegemaran dan aktiviti anda. Jangan bercakap melebihi dan yang tidak sepatutnya.
  16. Jangan berbincang apa-apa masalah peribadi anda semasa temuduga.
  17. Jika anda pernah bekerja dahulu, berilah keterangan dengan ringkas dan tepat berkenaan dengan pekerjaan itu.
  18. Jangan sekali-kali anda cuba hendak mencela bekas majikan anda.
  19. Nyatakan kelayakan dan kelulusan anda yang benar, tetapi janganlah membesar-besarkan perkara itu.
  20. Anda hendaklah mengetahui serba sedikit akan tugas-tugas yang bersabit dengan pekerjaan itu, masa yang dijangka kena bekerja dan gajinya yang akan dibayar pada permulaannya.
  21. Bersedialah untuk memberitahu kadar gaji yang anda ingin. Walau bagaimanapun biarlah penemuduga itu mengemukakan perkara itu terlebih dahulu.
  22. Jika penemuduga tidak menyatakan tarikh yang sepatutnya anda mengetahui keputusan temuduga itu, eloklah anda bertanya supaya anda boleh datang lagi ke pejabatnya untuk mengetahui keputusan itu. Jika ia bersetuju tanyakan tarikh dan masa yang sesuai baginya.
  23. Biarkan penemuduga itu menamatkan temuduga.
  24. Ucapkan terima kasih kepada penemuduga kerana memberi peluang kepada anda menyertai temuduga itu.

Tips bagaimana kita hendak mengekalkan hubungan jarak jauh?

1) Usahakan untuk berjumpa walaupun sekejap.
Ya, kalau boleh selagi kudrat masih ada, selagi sihat dan selagi ada wang, usahalah untuk berjumpa dengan pasangan anda yang nun jauh di sana.
2) Sentiasa mengingatkan diri agar terus setia pada pasangan.
anda harus menarik semangat kesetiaan di dalam hubungan anda dengan membersihkan diri anda dari sebarang ketakutan dan percaya pada diri anda dan juga pasangan.
3) Beri kejutan kepada pasangan anda
Hubungan yang sudah lama sering bertukar menjadi hubungan yang bosan kerana masing-masing sudah ‘selesa’ dengan perbuatan masing-masing. Kalau dulu bukan main lagi sentiasa senyum dan maintain macho, pakai wangi-wangi, rambut sikat kemas dan macam-macam lagi perkara yang control.
Kejutan yang betul akan memberi pasangan anda perasaan terkejut kegembiraan disamping terharu dengan tindakan anda sekaligus mengukuhkan lagi perasaan cintanya kepada anda.